Centres To Be Rolled Out In Phase I
Centres To Be Rolled Out In Phase II
This centre will focus on the areas of capital markets, currency markets, commodity markets, mutual funds, alternative investment funds and wealth management services. The centre will also focus on financial policy, regulation and taxation pertaining to the areas mentioned above. Centre will develop products and strategies on investing, financial inclusion and hedging mechanisms Centre for Real Estate and Infrastructure Development
The centre will focus on issues pertaining to residential, commercial, industrial and retail properties. Specialised areas like sports infrastructure, amusement parks, malls will be part of this centre. Real estate investment trusts and real estate PE investments, their taxation and regulatory aspects will also be part of the research areas.
In the case of infrastructure, thrust will be on areas like roads, ports, aviation, railways, shipping, civic and waste management urban and rural infrastructure and shipping.
The centre’s key areas of research, events and capacity building will be commercial banking, money markets, rural banking ,NBFCs, insurance, pension investment banking and portfolio management services , credit rating , micro credit institutions, start-up finance, venture capital funds and financial inclusion.
Asset quality benchmarks will be created in association with the industry.
Critical inputs are required for issues like bankruptcy of large companies in the areas of business finance and SME borrowing-lending.
New growth opportunities in consumer and business finance through use of technology can be explored in consultation with the industry and government. Alternate funding mechanisms for lending to long gestation projects suggested. Policy suggestions for Micro credit, financial regulation for NBFC’s and classification and recovery of bad loans will be developed through adoption of global best practices.
The role of the centre would be to address the needs of industry with respect to governance and financing. Centre shall offer suggestions on meeting the larger objectives of shareholder wealth maximization without diluting the importance of good governance and social responsibility. In the area of corporate finance, the centre would study the issues of fund raising, capital budgeting, restructuring, risk management, remuneration and valuation.
In the areas of governance and CSR, the centre will focus on the issues of welfare of stakeholders, ethical orientation of work environment, corporate governance, gender equality at work, independence of the company board etc. Centre will evolve research-derived mechanisms to build corporate resilience in a dynamic environment, through adoption of latest technology and deployment of superior strategies.
The centre aims to provide research based advice to various decision makers in the domestic and international markets. The scope of work includes economic blocs like ASEAN,SAARC, free trade zones, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ,WTO, intellectual property rights, cyber security ,international trade regulations, IMF, World Bank. The scope of work will also include energy related issues.
Centre will also study sovereign risk management, managing international risk, EXIM policy, exchange rate, tax treaties.
The centre will collaborate with both the industry and government, to establish linkages between global currency fluctuations, international trade and capital flows using various tools like empirical analysis and interactions, for prudent management of business risks.
The objective of the centre is to ensure that in the light of economic reforms, decision making at the centre, in states and corporate level should contribute effectively to socio-economic development. Centre will offer public policy suggestions in areas of administration, governance, regulatory framework and environmental issues. The scope of work includes all clean energy related issues.
Unplanned urbanization, changing demography, environmental degradation, and climate change are some of the key issues adversely impacting socio-economic and human development. The centre affirms the need of resource mobilization and its efficient utilization, which are indispensable in realizing the goals of environment sustainability and urban, rural and agriculture development. The centre shall advocate adoption of global best practices and conduct innovative research on effective financing mechanisms for fulfilling environment, energy needs and social sector finance in the areas of education, health etc.